Cabbage Compress


Cabbage is part of the mustard family, Brassicaceae, (including Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, etc.) and is high in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium. It is rich in phyto-nutrient anti-oxidants.

Cabbage also makes for a delicious addition to food dishes.

For centuries cabbage has been used to treat swelling and bruising of the skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties which have been used to treat joint pain due to arthritis and sports injuries. Any kind of cabbage can be used such as savoy or green cabbage, although red cabbage may stain the skin or bandage you use to wrap it.

How to make a cabbage compress:

  1. Take a cabbage. Peel away an outer leaf and wash and dry it.
  2. Place cabbage leaf on a board and gently bruise it using a rolling pin or a glass to release the natural juices.
  3. Place the cabbage leaf directly over the affected joint or area.
  4. Cover the leaf with a bandage and elevate the area if possible.
  5. Keep your cabbage compress on the affected area for up to an hour. (You can repeat this process with another cabbage leaf 2-3 times per day).

Cabbage leaves can also be used as warm or cold compresses.
Cold Compress: Refrigerate the cabbage before you begin the process above.
Warm Compress: Microwave a leaf for 15-30 seconds. You can skip the third step of using a rolling pin, as the heat will bring out the juices of the cabbage.

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