Activated Charcoal for Tummy Bugs

Disclaimer: Any medical advice you may need or dosages, should be referred to a qualified medical professional. Charcoal used in fires is not the same as Activated Charcoal, as it contains many added toxins. Do not attempt to use it as medication. Rather purchase your Activated Charcoal from a trusted medical source.

Activated Charcoal

Up until a few months ago, the only time I’d seen information on Activated Charcoal was when reading the treatments for a variety of poisonous substances ingested.

A couple of months ago, I discovered the use of Activated Charcoal for teeth whitening.

A mere two days ago, I was introduced to the wonderful attributes of Activated Charcoal in settling the stomach.

Where I live, it is that time of the year, when the change of season from spring to summer brings on the not so wonderful ‘tummy bugs’ that grab hold of individuals with merciless intensity. My youngest daughter had a week of nausea and discomfort, for which we treated her with over the counter medicines. A week and a half later, my youngest son woke up at midnight and began throwing up, literally every 20 minutes to half an hour. Nothing stayed down, not even the medication.

That afternoon, I visited our local pharmacy and was browsing the shelves of the natural medication section, when a bubbly voice asked me, “Can I help you with anything?” I turned to find a little dynamite of a lady standing just behind my right shoulder. After explaining to her what I was looking for, she said, “You know, I don’t believe in all these medicines that try to stop the symptoms. I like to go straight to the problem and sort it out. The best thing to do is to give him Activated Charcoal. It will adsorb all the toxins and the bacteria and settle his stomach. Just don’t give him any medication for 2 hours before or 2 hours after. But I can guarantee you that it will work without needing to take anything else.”

The long and short of it is, I bought the pills, gave my 7 year-old son 2 pills and he stopped retching. We repeated he dosage the following morning. A day and a half later, and he’s on the mend and we’re I’m now plying him with fluids and electrolytes to rebuild his strength.

Some other benefits of Activated Charcoal are:
1. Whitening Teeth
2. Alleviates Flatulence
3. Mold Cleaning
4. Adsorbs Toxins of Alcohol Poisoning
5. Adsorbs Toxins from Food Poisoning
6. For water filtration

This is by no means a comprehensive list, there are many more benefits to using Activated Charcoal.

For more information on the benefits of Activated Charcoal, you can take a look at these links:

Disclaimer 1: I am not a doctor. Any medical advice you may need or dosages, should be referred to a qualified medical professional. I am merely sharing what I have seen work for my immediate family.

Disclaimer 2: Charcoal used in fires is not the same as Activated Charcoal, as it contains many added toxins. Do not attempt to use it as medication. Rather purchase your Activated Charcoal from a trusted medical source.

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