Forgiveness Invitationals

If there was ever a book for NOW, it is Forgiveness Invitationals by James Oosthuis.

Author James Oosthuis with his book FORGIVENESS INVITATIONALS

James shares his 20-year journey of following the Lord’s leading to visit the USA and do strategic ministry to bring reconciliation for the atrocities committed to the First Nation People and the slaves that were sent to the USA from other nations.

He shares about his mission trips, the God-orchestrated meetings with people and the Lord’s provision each step of the way, as he humbly moved in obedience to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

The nuggets one takes from this book are first and foremost that forgiveness offered in love is the most powerful tool we have to receive healing. It is in fact the first step towards reconciliation and bridging the divides between nations, people groups and individuals.

The second nugget is that forgiveness needs to be given and received in order for freedom to be experienced. There were many occasions when James facilitated meetings of reconciliation to bring healing to people and break the bondages of individuals and their people group.

The Church is called to minister healing people and cleansing the land of the atrocities that were done in the past.

This book is a testimony of what happens when we simply follow the Lord’s leading. It is all He requires of us, to do what He asks and to trust Him to see to the details.

Forgiveness Invitationals is available from Sela Books. It is also available as an eBook.

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